Primo eq stack

This cycle is tremendously simple, but this is because it needs to be simple owing to the androgenic potential of this substance. Gonna do this exact cycle but Npp instead of deca for my next run - I’m doing 800 test and 525 primo now and love how the primo feels and no bad sides for me - really keeps e2 in check also . 1,733. Was supposed to have a kickstarter of 100mg anadrol but didn't. My thinking is to keep Test at TRT level or double it to 400, Deca to keep joints and body together, Eq for cardio and Mast to Apr 16, 2019 · Test/EQ/Primo First Cycle Feedback. 1 Testosterone and Deca Side Effects. I'm only wanting to pin twice a week so I could work it out to t500mg eq1000mg and primo600mg per week. 5 e2d gw501516 , sr9009 and s4 will be added to the cycle also , PCT will look like this: nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25 aromasin 12. Typically, a Primobolan cycle can last between 6 to 12 weeks. My EQ cycle consisted of 600mg test, 350 mg deca, and 600omg EQ. 1 Testosterone and Dbol Side Effects. Still leaning towards that high dosed primo run though. That way you get the best of all three. I’d run it like this. 5iu of hcg twice a week. Apr 10, 2024 · Dose depends on how you respond to AAS. Th - Test cyp 100mg. In a nut shell for those who may have considered using one of these cycles. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. I personally get negative sides from eq such as anxiety. EQ is more very in aesthetics with Primo is more full. f. 1-20 - 0. This is my first cycle, have previously only used clen and "test boosters". Just as many people lose their hair overnight on NPP or EQ just like mast/primo. 800-1000mg of primo. 30mg Anavar - increase to 40mg - 6 week 400mg Primo - increase to 500mg -6 week. Currently I am running test 350mg ew, eq 600mg ew, oral winstrol 50mg ed, t3 25 mcg ed, and liquid femera 1. OH BB Press, Decline BB Press, BB Row, BB Curls, Pullups, Squats, Lunges That's too much primo, 300 test 150 primo should be enough especially if you're going for 20 weeks. While Equipoise is officially classified as a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid, the first batches of Boldenone were introduced on the human grade pharmaceutical market by Ciba in May 12, 2005 · Bros, I was wondering what people here think of a Primobolan Depot/EQ cycle for leaning out / hardening / vascularity on a calorie restricted diet. Honestly There isn’t much point in the EQ/primo while you’re still chunky at the first part of the cycle. 5'9 190lbs 13% BF 3. Questions: Feb 10, 2021 · Primo for me 100%. Equipoise doses in the 300-400mg per week range Compounds being run are 750mg test-e/800mg EQ/600mg primo with5 eod aromasin plus 500iu HCG I am on a similar cycle 450 test 600 primo 200Just bumped the primo to 800 results are You won’t need an a. Deca causes bloat, and eq causes appetite increase which will make cutting difficult. 8 years of training experience 4. Been doing that for about 8 weeks now , checked bloods and everything is perfect, litereally 0 side effects. week 1-15 750 test c ew. theaverageforumuser1. Doing full body workout 7x/week. primo 300mg / week and eq 400mg / week would be okbut kinda expensive. Goals are to put on nothing but lean, clean tissue with no fat and to run as little oil/have the most healthy/side free cycle possible. I was thinking of test 200 with eq for 8 weeks then Oct 8, 2023 · An 8 week cutting cycle with Equipoise is recommended, including if you are doing a longer cycle with other compounds; simply use EQ for the first 8 weeks. No study is perfect, but I chose the initial one with bodybuilders because it shows 300mgs of eq added into a stack causing significant impact. I work shift work and was recently put on trt due to low test levels from my work schedule and job stress. #1. Do not want to get huge because want to gain a few and look great. First time running more than 200 primo usually cruise with it and love it. I am going to run this EQ cycle again in November with some tbol thrown in for the first four weeks. I've never had any issues with deca dick or other side effects at 400mg weekly. i think you would get much better lean gains from eq. In our experience, Primobolan (methenolone) is one of the best steroid cycles for females due to its mild nature. Which would you recommend , taking in consideration that primo would be run low due to finances. Some people need a boat load. 2. Jul 19, 2006 · W 1-8 EQ or Primo 200mg/w W 1-8 Masteron 200mg/w W 7-10 Var or winny 25mg ed. Diet will be clean (200/300 max surplus a day) and training 5 days a week. Equipoise. And the onset of EQ you're going to notice your shoulders and triceps getting big full and rounded in a way only EQ does, along with the vascularity. Deca Durabolin is an effective injectable steroid that users can stack with Anadrol, increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength. I’ve read that the primo is a low dose but Apr 4, 2023 · I’ve found that a balanced stack can lead to impressive results while minimizing side effects. 5 eod aromasin plus 500iu HCG every week. • 1 yr. Used 450mg/week. Primo is clean and no side effects to me, and doses of 400 to 800 yield nice lean gains and can be ran 12 to 16 weeks comfortably. 16-20 weeks is a much better risk/reward than 12 weeks. The issues with Primo are almost always related to tanked e2. 51. May 13, 2023 · 250mg Test - will increase to 400mg -8 week. 5mg 2-3x/wk. Better gains (more time = more muscle) but the same amount of shutdown (100%). Many claim synergistic effects. Nov 30, 2021. #2. Feb 21, 2021 · Official Rep. Tbh i prefer high test, but wasn't that bad experience. I was recommending tren because it's the most powerful injectable available. It typically Feb 14, 2023 · This is the most popular trenbolone cycle in our experience. 2 weeks in no side effects yet but also not seen a massive difference, although I guess it has only been 2 Jul 24, 2010 · too much for a second cycle. Stats 1. The small dose of tren will be plenty to get all the magical non-AR mediated effects. My questions are has anyone ran a similar cycle and Oct 8, 2023 · The slow acting effect of EQ will require this cycle to be run for a longer period than many other beginner cycles, with at least 12 weeks being suitable, but a 14 week cycle can also be considered. Masteron isn’t a compound to throw into a steroid cycle without Oct 25, 2018 · Hey guys. Thanks to the extremely long lasting undecylenate ester (half life of 14 days as compared to say enanthate at approx 8 days) attached here you shouldn’t start your PCT for an EQ cycle for almost a Boldenone Undecylenate is a testosterone derived anabolic androgenic steroid that is best known by the trade name Equipoise given to it by Squibb in the 1970’s. In terms of a female boldenone cycle, it would need to be adhered to as follows: Weeks. Can mask high e2 PRIMO: literally paired with anavar as the most refined and pure anabolics out there. I think it would be better than EQ alone but not as good as Primo alone. Jun 2, 2020 · 3 androgen. EQ at 300-400 through all 16 weeks would help noticeably with cardio. How does 100mg Test prop with 100mg Primo Depot EOD sound for 10 - 12 weeks? Primo in blast dosages are worth it *if you homebrew*. but the increased vascularity is certainly a reality. Im a 192 lbs, 36 and 5’ 11’'. I'm running track and am trying to figure out the best stack that I can take without gaining too much weightthat is why I'm kinda leaning away from the test. Jul 25, 2015. Jul 24, 2005 · 1. I spent 3 years working in Oct 4, 2016 · Awards. It’s important to integrate proper nutrition and training during this period to maximize gains and fat loss. Deca helped me put on way more size than NPP. some people need a lot less. It always gives me great results for the money. Those are my exact doses too. 5 mg ed. A popular and effective cycle for women stacks Primobolan with Cardarine GW-501516 and the insulin modulator NSLin. Dec 9, 2023 · Throughout cycle (if necessary) take Arimidex at 0. I started with a 1:1 ratio as everyone suggested Test/Tren/Primo/Eq test e 700mg/wk - 1-18 primo 400mg/wk - 1-18 eq 600mg/wk - 1-16 tren a 100mg/EOD - 6-14 dbol 30mg/ED - 1-6 read full article. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Lift heavy and eat lots of dead animals! Yes, that's me in my avatar. week 1-14 600 eq ew. Anavar 20mg ED. Aug 27, 2022. M - Eq 100mg. Been considering getting anadrol anyways or increasing primo for the last 2 months up to 800mg since I have been reading on a lot of threads it being the sweet spot for many. repeat as desired. Even UG labs fake it because the raw materials for the chemical compound so expensive. The Sustanon is pharma grade and Primobolan is also pharma grade. Approximately 10 previous cycles over the years, predominantly Test E/EQ or Deca generally the 12-16 w range with solid results. May 6, 2008 · The EQ is too low of a dose to notice anything at all in my opinion, I would run at least 400mg EW. Current cycle: EQ 100mg and Primo 50mg 2x per week. I suffer from Anxiety already, plan on doing 500 test E alongside. tks again. End result was now I have to really keep on top of the diet, up the cardio hard and look at different types of gear ( Tren /Primo/ Masteron ) to help cut away the extra weight. EQ I hear is interchangeable with primo. Jun 30, 2019 · To add more size, while keeping at a reasonable body fat (sub 18%), Considering this Cycle: 1-18 EQ or Primo @ 600 mg per week. Oct 29, 2023 · 2 Top 7 Testosterone Cycles. . Here's what I'm planning: 1-17 - Test e 375mg. Tu - Test cyp 100mg. I say if you have the money to run DECENT dosages of primo, do it. Training 10+ years. Typical dose for test at your level would be 375 to 500 mg/w and 400 - 600 mg/w EQ. I hate high test on tren. Hi ladies, I recently posted my EQ + Primo + Var cycle that my coach has me on. I've had EQ, primo, and tren run through my mind and wanted your opinions as to what you prefer for a lean mass building stack. 1-14 May 28, 2004 · I'm still comtemplating my first cycle. Well EQ isn't really all dry gains. Deca primo is great your dht and your anabolic both being a anabolic but the dht will support sexdrive deca will not. I would start your Test at 400 again, 200 Deca is fine, and start Primo at 400. The EQ can be injected 1x/wk but I personally like injecting so dosing goes something like this for me: Su - Test cyp 100mg. Supplements: Fish oil: 4g/day. I just did test/primo/var cycle for the first time, and it was great. 6 weeks ago I started a npp/eq/primo/test cycle after 5 years off or more from messing with nandrolone or 19nors. I'm 32 6,2 210 16% to 18 % b. Option #2: 12 week cycle with 600mg/week of Test Cyp, 300mg/week of Deca, and 50mg/day of Anavar for the first 6 weeks. 1-4. underworldrec April 16, 2019, 12:25am 1. I stack primo and eq, and primo in particular allows me to go above 300 test without the bloat and floppy dick. Mar 26, 2020. 75 mg per day. Oct 21, 2015 · Oct 21, 2015. Nov 24, 2018 · Stats: 30 yrs. P. I think i am going to run test cyp, EQ, and Primo when i come back on through the summer. If muscle preservation is your goal, I'd say go to primobolan at 400-600 (or more) mg per week. So I stopped after my cycle. Otherwise, stick with what you know you like. Issues included gyno, dick intermittently not working ext but the gains were awesome. Feb 13, 2010 · The Eq should also be 300-400mg/wk. 1 Testosterone Side Effects. I agree. both EQ and Primo are very mild in comparison to Tren. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Deca Durabolin is not a toxic steroid like Anadrol, so side effects won’t be a lot more severe than running Anadrol by itself. Week 2: 100mg Test/Primo *each. I know I want to run primo at 600mgs/week and am leaning towards a low dose test at 100mgs/week and Mast E at 300mgs/week. I am torn on which cycle to do. So it can make EQ appear even more dry than what it really is (water retention is going to be really small on EQ but some can still be Aug 18, 2021 · Test/Eq vs Test/Primo. Nov 23, 2021 · I already have primo and eq in my arsenal I was just wondering if they would work well together. Compounds. Last edited: Aug 29, 2020. Taking the cost factor out what are the thoughts if my gains are for solid, keepable gains for rugby. All protein expression and no bullshit. I’m a 36 year old guy who’s been training for 12 years now. I started my first cycle small of. Dec 29, 2021 · Extend the cycle to a real length. Ive done primo before with amazing results! Best results I ever got. Using Testosterone Enanthate at 300mg to 500mg per week and Equipoise at 400mg weekly will provide excellent results for either lean mass gains or 300-400mg/wk. May 28, 2002 · yes you can stack them, but there are better choices. You're going to get strong and full weeks 1-12 from the test. I have tried primo ace with a great success but this time I go with primo E. 500mg test 25mg MK677 400-600 primo or EQ (16-20 week cycle) I’ve used EQ in my last cycle on maintenance calories and it leaned me out abit and had nice vascularity which I liked but I didn’t get any significant muscle gains and no strength at all. You can't compare them at all. Week 1-8: 600mg test ( or until around at least a true 10%-12% with abs) Week 9-16: 350mg test + 800mg primo + 30-50mg var. I've heard about all the anxiety issues with EQ and my buddy has been very irritable since he started his EQ. The primo at 500mg EW and test at 250mg EW are fine. so at that point you would have far better gains with test prop tren and eq. 200mg test e and 375-450mg tren. With EQ you can still hold water especially as high as the recommended doses. EQ is good, but it has a lot of bullshit to deal with and you need to run it at crazy high dosages in order for you to see results. EQ helps a lot with endurance while Primo helps with catabolism and nutrient partitioning. *Bulking Equipoise Cycle – Level 2: For a more powerful plan, an Equipoise cycle will require larger doses, and often the inclusion of other anabolic steroids. 9-20 Test cyp @ 750 mg per week. This particular Primo seems to have less truly negative compound experiences, just a considerable amount of underwhelming ones. I chuchk in b12 inj 1000-3000mcg E2ds's sub Q. Primo can actually help you cut that water and make you look even more dry. 300mg prop for 8 weeks. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk. thats all. I’m currently running Test & EQ at 1000/750 with no a. i would even do what jacket says and shorten it further to 10 weeks. May 4, 2023 · Step 1) run 1g EQ only and do bloods 6-7 weeks later (sex drive was low, feeling a tad depressed by E2 low) Step 2) run 2g EQ only then do bloods (i was really feel good on that only, E2 around 44pg/ml) Step 3) gym opened, i added Anadrol and Masterona. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. net Jan 24, 2017 · Jan 24, 2017. For men, a typical beginner cycle may include 20-30mg of Anavar and 30-50mg of Winstrol per day for 6-8 weeks. Oct 29, 2023 · 2. the only thing hair friendly in that stack is HGH. Because Primobolan has low androgenic properties it is an appropriate steroid for women to use. The reason for this is that testosterone is a mild anabolic, so it can be safely stacked to boost gains without making tren’s side effects much worse. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin Cycle. Eq is a weak drug and works better in leaner fellas sub 12% is ideal. I was contemplating running 500mg EQ and 500mg primo mix so I was wondering the same. Loved it. Sep 7, 2022. See full list on workoutmag. Aug 8, 2016 · The goal is to bulk while minimizing fat gain. Letrozole (optional): 1. Jul 30, 2015 · I'm running 1000mg EQ right now and was planning on switching up to 1000mg Primo in a couple months. I would run 4-500mg of test/wk the entire time. I was considering jumpstarting the cycle with 10-20 mg of dbol /day for an extra strength boost the first few weeks. Dec 10, 2022. V. I'm looking for feedback on possibly stacking Equipose with primo for the first time. Masteron is especially good at helping you burn off the most stubborn final ounces of fat that can be hard to shift with other compounds while helping you get the most hard and dry look possible because this steroid comes without the issue of fluid retention. If you're concerned with the price of primo, try masteron. 5 mg E3D. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. 3 Testosterone Cycle For Beginners. 3. Keep your diet dialed in and train hard and you will see results. Back in the fall I ran 800mg primo ew, 40 mg var ed, and . 50 mg per day. is it worth stacking the masteron with the Primo or should I just double it up (400mg/w Primo) to keep it simple? would there be any merit to running EQ and Primo same time? What are people’s thoughts on Var vs Winny (besides joints)…strength increase/sides Dec 15, 2017 · Beginner EQ Cycle Example (14 weeks total cycle time) Weeks 1 – 14: – Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week – Equipoise at 400mg/week A very basic and beginner variant of Equipoise cycles, this particular one introduces a minimum and safe amount of compounds while providing effective results and potential gains. I am coming to the end of my current cycle, i am coming off for 1-1/2 to 2 months then jumping back on. I made great gains, and night sweats from the deca was my only side. Jun 19, 2022 · Primo for me is mild, I feel good mentally on it and it doesn't impact my bloods, sleep or digestion, so it's absolutely fine for me to gain with. Nandrolone I don't feel great on, so wouldn't bother to use it again and Eq has never really appealed to me. 100mg PROP tEST only EOD. it is was and you need to run a high dose. If one can control the hunger Jun 12, 2013 · Jul 28, 2013. test e 400mg/wk wk 1-12 with: primo OR eq 400mg/wk wk 1-12. 5mg/every 3 days or Aromasin up to 25mg/every day. So i pretty much narrowed it to EQ or primo. I’m taking 200mg a week of test Cypionate and 12. . proper pct. Attempting to put size on my quads and glutes. I felt amazing on 6-800 of primo. 5mg adex eod (will adjust as needed) 20-23 - clomid 50/50/50/50; nolva 40/40/20/20. Pharma / TRT. old; 6’0” ft tall; 240 lbs; about 11% BF. 1-16 - EQ 600mg. I don't think it would be a waste. Primo is the most effective steroid in terms of muscle preservation on restricted calories. 7 Testosterone and Deca Durabolin Cycle. Maximize the benefit as best you can. Points. May 29, 2016 · 500 test (e or c) - wk 1-16 (considering dropping this to 300 a week) 200 Deca - wk 1-12. I WISH I could continue to use it but the hair loss is horrible. If you have any genetics at all you should be able to make progress on a gram of gear with hard training and solid nutrition. I am going to run Test E at 500mg per week for 12 wks + either EQ at 400mg for 11wks or Primo E at 400/500mg for 12wks. I was thinking 20 weeks. I have 3 weeks left of my current cycle of npp/mast/prop and am getting ready to start getting things in place for my annual long cycle early spring. Feb 15, 2023 · Primobolan helped these patients shift from a cachectic state into an anabolic one. #18. Remember, EQ is not all that powerful on its own, but when conjoined with other steroids it can produce excellent results. The following Equipoise cycle Jan 16, 2014 · 26. ADMIN MOD. With aromasin 12. Equipoise can make some users want to Jan 3, 2018 · here is the cycle i created: 1-16 Test Enanthate 500mg ew 1-15 Eq 800mg ew 1-16 Primobolan 800mg ew 1-6 anavar 80mg ed 13-18 anavar 80mg ed 1-18 proviron 50mg ed 1-18 aromasin 12. New subscriber here. week 17-21 pct. 121. week 1-18 aromasin 25ed. Dec 10, 2022 · 3. I am thinking about staying at 200mg test/week and adding 600-800 EQ or primo. I havent taken a shot in a few days (on purpose). F - Eq 100mg. This will provide some catabolic protection, but most men will find 300mg per week to be a far more suitable dose with 400mg per week being an excellent level and very well-tolerated by most men. May 14, 2024 · The length of the cycle and the dosage of Primobolan used can vary depending on the individual’s goals, experience with steroids, and response to the drug. Could drop in like 20mg dbol on days when you're going to the gym. Mar 10, 2012. in most people as does Primo, and I have zero issues. 25ml eod (will this be enough) Hcg and nolva. Anyone have experience in this type of cycle. Can not decide the dosages I should run. Primo is going to be your number 1 pick if in a caloric deficitit is still extremely effective in that situation. Those brave enough to use esters other than undecylenate should of course feel free to contribute. you dont want to be stuck on steroids forever. Im 26, 90kg, would not call myself a bodybuilder as my goals lie with martial arts. First time running sus and curious if there will be any stronger sides opposed to my usual Test E stacks due to shorter ester or combination. I already know that Primo is great for retaining or even gaining small amounts of muscle mass on low calorie diets. do you guys think the following cycle would be over kill? week 1-10 600 primo ew. Will bump up to 40 mg eventually. For PCT (week 15-16) use Clomid 25mg/day or Nolvadex 20mg/day. Mast makes you feel more focused, motivated, driven, and happy, while Primo makes you feel more soft, caring, empathetic, and happy. The cycle would last probably 12-16 weeks. Hey guys I’m just planning my next cycle for a lean bulk and wondering what’s everyone’s thoughts and suggestions. The general 2 week rule that applies to the usual enanthate and propionate type esters doesn’t apply here. 25 years old 2. 7. 4. Week 1: 100mg Test/Deca *each. 5-8. PCT: Will be the same as previous cycles. IMO, look into primo or var to stack with 300mg test per week. And the average person who doesn't know any better would find no issue with that cycle. 25mg every other day. If you're looking for a performance edge use EQ, it will add some strength and tons of muscular endurance but minimal mass. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the Primo and Test cycle, including its benefits, potential side effects, recommended dosages for different user groups, precautions to consider, a guide on where to buy these substances, and The kidneys are an organ highly susceptible to oxidative stress. It also eliminated water retention due to Primobolan not aromatizing into estrogen (being a dihydrotestosterone-based steroid). I like adding deca to me eq cycles. Jan 27, 2021 · Sustanon & EQ stack. Jun 6, 2023 · EQ is an extremely long lasting ester. either. Primobolan is the most faked steroids on the black market. 5 Testosterone Cycle (Higher Dose) 6 Testosterone and Dianabol Cycle. Ive been doing it for 12 This week we are discussing Boldenone (Equipoise/EQ). My question is I've read that all these compounds have a good chance of being painful. 800 is the min to be run, females i know run 600mg. Ideal is 800mg-1000mg WK for 15-25 weeks. Diet is very good. Im also taking an estrogen blocker every other day. Maybe even throw in some car the last 8 weeks at Jan 27, 2012 · nc. Sep 7, 2022 · Reaction score. Btw, there is no substitute for Hcg/Hmg, I would get some if I were you. this would be my 5th cycle. Whas sup bro, well my experience with them is yes eq does make me extremely hungry every time I run it, and I usually run at 800 mgs a wk, and usually the test around 400 mgs a wk on that type of cycle. But EQ is not in the same league as Primo and experienced Primo users know it. Division: Wellness. 50mg var ED for 8 weeks. I'm thinking the test500 eq600 and primo200 from pharmacom. I’ve ran Test C and Dbol, just test C, test C and tren in pretty low doses, high dose of Tren A with low dose of Test C and anavar, and I’m currently running a TestE, TrenE, MastE blend. Oct 5, 2016. This is my second cycle, first run was 30 dbol for three weeks As others have said, I stack because over a certain amount of test I have some sides - bloat and floppy dick. at 16% yuo need to lean out. EQ, for me, does not induce hunger as it does for many. The common “substitute” for Primo is Equipoise since the effects are similar – solid muscle with little bloat. I posted in the steroids Reddit that I’m experiencing insomnia, and I’ve gotten a lot of feedback that I’m crashing my E2 and that I need a test based compound instead of the var. Sep 15, 2015 · I feel like my only options are moderate test, REAL anavar, EQ, primo, winny (really dont want to due to how harsh it is), and masteron. Masteron is a close 2nd in regards to quality gains in a caloric deficit. a lot of the feedback came from men, and some of you have shared your insight on this, and I appreciate it so much! Jun 27, 2021 · Many sites equate the muscle building properties of mast and EQ while others say mast is basically useless for those looking to build muscle. These two compounds will enhance fat loss, endurance, and workout recovery. This next cycle I'm running is going to be Test E 750, Deca 400-500, and EQ 500 w/ dbol to kickstart. 6. 5mg. 4 weeks and if you feel you need more, increase Primo to 600. Stick to those ratios and you should have a smooth cycle. ago. Oct 8, 2023 · Masteron Cycle. I've ran both test mast and test primo and I can say that Mast makes you look better at sub 10% bodyfat, while Primo makes you look better between 10-15% bodyfat. Using hcg is likely an exacerbating factor but I want to keep the nuts healthy as possible. run 600 and you will hate it. I’m starting a stack of 200mg a week of primo and 600mg a week of eq. I’ve done this cycle but with eq instead of primo and it felt good and good strength gains but blood pressure issues benchpress315. 40mg Clen - 4 week on 2 week off. Only thing here you want some estrogen conversation to feel good primo deca you’ll have extremely low levels and impacted sexdrive mood so either some test or dbol added will EQ = neurotoxicity issues, can crash estrogen MAST = better but can be tough on lipids and hair and joints. You will have more back, nose and ear hair than you could ever imagine. Aug 28, 2020 · Based on my results from the cycle above, I'd like to try this for 8-10 weeks. Aug 26, 2022 · Points. test 400-500/ 400-500/150. 1-6 - Anavar 62. I'm thinking sustanon 250, 375 or 500mg per week with Primo 700 or Oct 6, 2013 · 93. My vascularity really improved and I was able to keep my gains after coming off cycle. BTW its my first cycle, I have HCG, Tamox and Clomid sorted for PCT Test C, EQ, Primo. Archived post. 150mm of Primo/EQ/Test every week (one shot every 3 days). What do you guys think about Test @200-400/Deca @200-300/Mast @200/Eq @200? This will be a “performance cycle” where focus is on cardio/strength and not mass. #9. On week 6 of my cycle, coach wants me to complete 20 weeks. EQ requires high doses of 600-800 min, significant increases hct in many if you actually do blood work and care, must be ran for an extremely long time for results, 16+ weeks. Primo would be my choice. Dropped the test and upped the nandrolone. This is the first time I will be using Primo E. Can also be tough on hair since it's a dht can can mask high e2 etc. Hellcat said: I prefer deca to NPP, to each his own. My proposed cycle would be Test c 400 a week Primo 600 a week Eq 600/800 a week 16 weeks calories on a slight surplus, training 5x a week, cardio 7x a week. your gains will come the first 6 weeks anyway then taper off anyway. I was leaning to EQ as is cheaper and has less oil per week Sustanon and Primobolan cycle advice needed. I immediately ran into prolactin/progesterone issues and couldn’t get it dialed in with caber or letro. W - Eq 100mg. These two compounds usually manage E2 well and allow higher test without eating AIs like skittles. Both test and primo are well tolerated and 16 weeks is not terribly long while on milder compounds. Aug 27, 2010 · After the cycle I was bloated like a MO**** FUC*** and the EQ made me eat like a fat kid coming off a diet ALL THE TIME. 0. I. Its a fucking classic "stack". Feb 20, 2012 · Hello everyonenew to the forum, but have researched on here many times before so I thought it was time I finally join. MasonicBodybuilder said: Out of those steroids, I have only cut on test/tren and I did test at 200mg tren at 400mg. With EQ, there's the estrogen issues and the higher blood count potentially affecting things as well. Jan 8, 2005 · anavar/primo/test e/eq cycle weeks 1-5 anavar @ 30mg ed [qv] weeks 1-5 primo @ 100mg ed [qv] weeks 1-13 test enan @ 500mg/week [either qv or animal power] weeks 1-12 eq @ 500mg/week [either qv or pets pharma] pct 17 days after last test shot. the stack of primo and tren would not be a good ida you will still need to run test with it. 3 Mar 26, 2020 · 4,067. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The dosage of Primobolan used in a cycle can range from 400mg to 800mg per week for men, and 50mg to 100mg per week for women. Jul 1, 2021 · Compounds being run are 750mg test-e/800mg EQ/600mg primo with 12. Sa - Test cyp 100mg. 1-6 Tbol @ 40/60 mg every day. Dec 2, 2023 · EQ works very slowly, while Dbol is a very fast-acting AAS; Dbol gives you plenty of water retention, but EQ doesn’t; Dianabol cycles are always short, while EQ is run for very long cycles; Dianabol is very liver-toxic (hence the short cycles) Most of your Dianabol gains will be lost post-cycle, while EQ gains are much better maintained. I have done many cycles, but i have used mostly shorted ester compounds like test prop, test suspension, Tren A, Mast prop. Jan 20, 2023 · Primobolan Cycle for Females. May 14, 2024 · The Primo and Test cycle is a popular combination among bodybuilders and athletes seeking enhanced performance and muscle growth. EQ/Test cycle, thoughts and opinions? Was thinking on doing 16-20 week 250 test 250 EQ, for a total of 500 weekly, thinking on ending it with oral winstrol 20 mg a day for 6 weeks, might skip the sunny depending on bloods and how me organs are doin, let me know what you guys think, Jun 9, 2007 · I think I want to stick with test-e as a base, but I'm not sure what to stack with it. If you are predisposed to it, which it seems you are, it is going to happen. Aug 20, 2013 · However, I had lots of sides and did not like the way I felt. Jun 21, 2022 · Looking to do a 500 test 400 primo 400 eq cycle. •. [Compound Experience Thread] Primo. 1st cycle after 5 years off, test/eq/primo/tren -- advice wanted. 5mg e2d May 20, 2008 · Hi Guys, I am curious as to the thoughts on Primo v EQ. Please keep in mind that androgenic issues are not reversible in females In order to receive any anabolic effect, Equipoise doses will need to be at minimum 200mg per week. #5. I will also throw in a liver support supp for the var, and run that from before my cycle all the way through pct. Primo is a DHT (like masteron) and EQ is a test derivative. 4 Testosterone Cycle Before and After. I'm doing 200mg test/200mg deca/420mg primo per week + 12. POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: A concerning side effect – or more so, just an effect of EQ, if you’re on a cutting cycle is that of appetite stimulation. 200 eq - wk 1-12 (considering 350 eq - wk 1-14) Arimadex - 0. so what you think of this. I'm into the 2nd month of exactly the same 4 drugs. 100 mgs of Currently in off-season, stepping on a National stage in June 2023, Pittsburgh venue. I had decided I was gonna do 100mg prop with 100 mg EQ every other day for 10 weeks but now i'm leaning more towards primo. 5lbs would be ideal. I would do the cycle like the Test / EQ weeks 1- 12 then weeks 13 - 18 add in the Anadrol. 5mg dbol/day (the dbol is just like a pre-workout pump product basically). #10. Feedback I have gotten says it's wonderful or it will tank my e2 in the gutter. I have been on this current cycle for 4 weeks now. Just worried about the Anxiety issues. i. keep it simple. as EQ acts as an a. EQ and Primo are both two of my favorites to use Jan 14, 2024 · Test/(EQ OR Primo)/tren…. 1-8 Test cyp @ 500 mg per week. I love that shiz. 5mg liquidex ed for 10 weeks. No such thing as a hair friendly steroid. Feb 27, 2021. Give it about. Il be using 500mg/week. if you ask me primo is not worth the money. my wj km hv wb rz jc nj ri cy