The two main components of weight gain are diet and fitness. It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. you don't turn into a ball. 5 kg per week. jpan127. I would lower that to like 2-4 lbs a month now that you have some mass on you. You can guesstimate and try to stay within 500 calories. Fitness - Follow a pre-made strength program, if you are just starting use a 3 x week full body routine. I usually do 3-4 cardio sessions on top each week, after the gym workout. 5 and week 2 is 136. Get a routine from the sidebar that has a higher frequency, and lower your intake. • 5 yr. I find I’m still pretty hungry throughout the day. The biggest influence you can have outside of steroids or HGH is lowering your body fat to get a better p-ratio. Add in extra carbs on heavier lifting days (squat and deadlift) days around your workout, either before or after (I doubt anyone needs to top off glycogen stores pre, may have more benefit to save for post and help with recovery). When I was 16 (3 years ago now) I used to lift consistently for about a year and a half til 17 1/2 years old Here is a study of 40 obese women who lost fat and gained muscle during an 8 week weight training + calorie restriction program: https://pubmed. Your thread will be removed if it can be answered by any of the above. This should be avoided as you want to bulk as long as possible for best growth and if you gain too much fat too fast you will need to cut sooner. 6’2, prob was 8-9% body fat. body fat -> 40*31 = 1240 calorie deficit without muscle loss. Reply reply. Going over this or even just the higher end near 1% will just be more fat gain versus lbm. A beginner is going to be able to add muscle at a much quicker rate than an advanced lifter. This number has to be recalculated at least weekly. Bulking could help you add a good amount of muscle mass to increase your daily calorie output which would make your fat loss easier later on. nih. You can't expect to gain strength and muscle mass without also gaining some fat. You will build muscle and lose fat it is just a lot slower and longer process although, I believe it is much more sustainable. I really like it because I feel more active and even more recovered since I do cardio on top. Seriously don't worry about it. I started at 146, and I’ve been in a slight calorific surplus for a couple of months, now at 169 lbs. Their reasoning often relates to concerns about insulin sensitivity: if you have more body fat, your insulin sensitivity will be lower, so you'll gain more fat and less muscle in a calorie surplus. But that's no excuse to throw in the towel and give up on your goals. Long story short, gain as slow as possible in order to minimise fat gain. Depends on training age, calorie surplus, lifting volume, cardio/conditioning or not, etc. Anything else you gain will be fat. That would be 3500kcal/week or around 1lb of gain per week. Not enough frequency or volume most likely. I started that cut after I panicked and got self-conscious about gaining too much fat. The higher number being for high endurance athletes. 4 pounds in total during this time, approximately 2. If you are doing it right you'll be gaining fat at somewhere between 1/16-1/8" on the waist per week on average. Bulking your first time and just getting fat has happened to me, and I'm sure many others. If you don't believe me, or the others, about the water-weight, dehydrate yourself and then step on the scale. This holds true down to 8-10 % body fat (below which there is a point where the opposite starts happening). Then average your weight for that week. Train hard, eat to support that training, and make sure that the scale is moving up over time at a reasonable pace like 2-4 pounds per month; don't focus so much on exactly what If you bulk at TDEE +300 to +500cal/day you could minimize fat gain during a bulk. 5 lbs per week. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I'm familiar with the basics of nutrition and calculating your macro intake, however I plan to bulk on anywhere between 3100-3300 calories, and my diet would provide me with about 90g of fat per day. 25-0. Tucanaso. If you’re overweight, skinny-fat, or having difficulty keeping your gains lean, you can gain weight even more slowly. I’ve seen studies that show doing intense cardio within 6 hours of resistance training can hurt your gains, or doing cardio too many days in a week can hurt your gains, but also studies that it can help your gains. 3g per lb should be enough to keep your hormonal and health metrics in check. 2 pounds per month. natty. It's pretty much impossible to keep at a 300 calorie surplus because of labeling inaccuracies. If you bulk and gain 3lb of weight a month, it may be 40% lean mass. You're going to gain fat when you bulk, no matter how "lean" the bulk is, unless you're on steroids. An energy density of 3500kcal/lb assumes you're gaining about 85% fat mass and 15% lean mass. [deleted] • 9 yr. I suggest starting at a small (~200) calorie surplus in the beginning. The 10-20% surplus balances muscle gain with fat growth. My plan, is to essentially eat 3200kcals in this 10hour window. Leave this to cutting phases. TL;DR: Was also overweight and afraid of getting fat again during a bulk. It's actually due to water weight and the amount of sodium you eat. Some people try this, fuck it up, and gain even more fat, and less muscle. nlm. You can even potentially push it to two pounds a week but that may be too much for some people. However, the evidence for this concept is Weigh yourself minimum 3x week on non-consecutive days (Mon, Wed, Fri). Your TDEE is only 3200 calories a day, and you're essentially following a brosplit, only working each muscle group once a week. Is it 100% known if that works? Not exactly. 5 kilograms in about 2 weeks from starting a clean bulk (110 to 120). I've searched countless times on Reddit and online, and I've managed to see probably around 2 skinny fat to bulking transformations. . Now approximately 6 months later I'm at 65kg (143lbs). Just remember if you don't consume enough If not, then you could do more, like 500-700. So if you lean bulk and gain 1lb of weight a month, it may be 90% lean mass. I recommend bulking for 8-12 months as a Just for context, I've now been back in the gym for about a month and I'm working on the Reddit PPL to see some gains. Dirty bulking is basically just eating whatever you want as long as it gives you a surplus. You need to get rid of the fat. 5% to 1% of body weight on average per week in off season. 1lb lean mass. 5lbs/month, and increase it slowly from there, or stop if you're not gaining the right kind of weight. 200 lbs. 3lbs/mo). A side note, you will probably gain less fat on your bulk if you change from 100g fat to more like 50-60g fat (still plenty for hormone production), making up the difference in calories with more carbs. As a natural, I did the 2+ lbs gain per month. Consuming at least 0. You'll still gain muscle and get stronger, but you will also gain a lot of fat. As a rule of thumb you should also know. But to answer your question, the typical rate of lean mass gains with resistance training (in primarily untrained subjects) is around 1. Good luck with the gains. Would ipamorelin be a good choice to allow me to slow fat gain during a bulk? Hey everyone, ive been looking into peptides as a way to extend the time between cuts by slowing fat gain while bulking. I hoping to bulk and weight lift during Ramadan (starting in a couple of weeks) because my exams are now over, so I am at home all day. Most people you’ll see “lean bulking” are already somewhat trained with decent mass. That mostly comes down to calorie counting. Question regarding my weight gain during bulk. 30-45 min each cardio session. Topics: Bad fats Now I just eat slightly above maintenance and lift heavy. 25–0. A few weeks in a deficit will put your face right pretty quickly though. At 200 lbs that is 2lbs gained per month. 2. I've always been fairly skinny and found it hard to gain any sort of weight so I decided to do a dirty bulk and naturally enough I've gained muscle but also some unwanted fat around my stomach mainly. Control the ratio of fat/muscle gain with your diet. Fat is easily shed off later. Targeted fat loss or prevention isn't really a thing. It’s far too early to say there’s a downside yet, because the first few kg are largely bloat and water retention, but if you keep gaining at that rate for many months, a higher percentage of what you gain will be fat. gov/3337037/ Cut/bulk makes it easier in a sense only because you don't need to find a delicate homeostatic balance, you just switch on and off like a thermostat. In all honesty, most bulks done right is something like 50/50 or maybe 60/40, so the pre-bulk bf% is bound to go up. The trick to bulking is to keep the fat gain managable. I hope you can figure something out buddy. Carbs are hyper concentrated calories. I see most people who try to lean bulk in this calorie range opt for closer to 60-70g of fat per day, I've also read about Greg Nuckols' anecdote Hi M21 5'9" 160 lbs here. Either way, cut now, get a little stronger during your cut, and then try the bulk again and get very strong. Personally I have considered bulks successful when I’ve gained 2lbs a month expecting to gain a bit of fat. Honestly getting too into the minutia of “the right way to do things” is splitting hairs for most people. 5 cup of oats. If you are enhanced it can be different). In switching I have found that for me I need to adjust by about 5-10% of my calories at a time. Lyle has much to say about this. Duncanconstruction. If you wanna use junk food to pack on fat, go with high carb snacks. It can get higher depending in your activity level, generally Athletes consume 30%-50% of fats in their diet. A guy made a research and posted here on fitness. Just an example. If you're gaining fat at an unreasonable rate then its too much. I guess the consensus is 50/50 on a 500 surplus. Crypto Been seeing a lot of attention surrounding "maingaining" as opposed to your more popular lean bulk or traditional bulk/dirty bulks. Eat a lot, but not too much. 55 pounds each week consistently. There's also Lean Body Mass, which is technically neither fat nor contractile muscle fiber. Personally, I already workout fasted and cardio is good. yeah only eat a bit more than maintenance calorie. TL;DR: Diet - Calculate your TDEE, then eat 500 calories above that. e. Track Your Progress. After a 10 lbs bulk you may only need to lose 5 - 6 lbs to cut the fat you gained. Many people believe that if you get lean before you start a bulk, you'll gain muscle more efficiently. Your macros should look like this. Our body weights naturally fluctuate -5/+5 every day. At your bf, if you cut slow and knock out the HIIT, you can gain muscle during the cut until you hit somewhere around 10-12% bf. By knowing that I am the strongest and biggest I have ever been in my life, and that If I keep bulking I will only get stronger and bigger. What are your strategies to get over this? If extremely small I’d say throw the clean bulk out the window and just eat for mass and stop wasting time. OatsAndWhey. If your primary goal is to gain muscle then focus on that. That’s almost 25 lbs or 8 pounds a month. Oddly enough, fat you eat doesn't get stored as fat on your body very efficiently, but carbs you eat in excess of your caloric output do. I kind of doubt you have much of a belly at 61 kgs. During the 3 month bulk period I also increased dramatically on all my lifts. • 11 yr. If you cut below 10%, not only will it be nearly impossible to gain muscle, but you are likely to lose muscle in the cut. Reply. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. Devilery. Now I’m on to a lean bulk. 2 - 135. A pound a week on your bw is a good goal. Right now you've gained 10lbs in two months. I've been going to the gym for 4 times a week for 4 months now but I'd haven't put on much size, and I'd like to. Award. If you are losing weight on a bulk you can either tune down intensity or eat more food. Since I… Gaining some fat during a bulk is a natural and necessary part of the muscle-building process. Looking to go on a 6 week clean bulk, how much can I expect to gain, how much will be fat, and how can I minimise that fat gain? It really depends on your current eating habbits and your body, but if you start out with a 500 calorie surplus and then adjust accordingly, either eating more if you are up for it, or toning it down if you feel you are just putting on fat. Went from around 158 to 175 during the first bulk (before and after here), then went from 175 at 16% BF to around 165 at about 13% BF during the cut (I’m a 6’0" M and built weird: small shoulders, long torso, big hips, and long, scrawny limbs). Another benefit: minimal fat gains while bulking. Fat. Then lean bulk. The reason people bulk in the winter is because most people don’t know how to properly bulk and end up fat. Skinny people should obviously start with a bulk. You should be aiming to gain 1 to 1. Many people gain weight during ramadan due to binge overeating sessions. If it doesn't jump up high again you should be good. I eat around 2800 kcals a day. 2-3 lbs a month. I still do extended cuts when necessary, but use short cuts to keep fat within acceptable limits while bulking. Slowly bulked (200 kcal surplus) over the course of 9 months. Ideally, you gain 0. I also gained 4. If you want to use mass gainer, put them in full fat yogurt with honey and chocolate chunk. Dropset: Single Leg Press – 2 sets, 10-12 reps per leg, drop, 6-8 more reps per leg. Worst case scenario it takes an extra week. 45kg) of lean muscle per month. I found it difficult to cycle bulking and cutting all the time. I'm making these numbers up as example If you bulk and gain 2lb of weight a month, it may be 55% lean mass. a 1lb a week bulk (500kcal surplus) over 5 months will generate a decent amount of fat/glycogen/water retention, and it will inevitably show in your face. 1. This also helps me stay below 1% weight change per week to minimize muscle loss during cut and fat gain during bulk. This sounds slow but anything more will lead to larger rates of fat gain. It is (slightly) bothersome, but really is the most effective way to control your bulk. 0. Keep that going until you hate your body and then do a cut. Got stronger but didn't get fat. You should track your waist measurement. You'll gain fat if your calories in are greater than your calories out. It most likely will take 3 months to even gain 1". Business, Economics, and Finance. Look at it this way: your body can only build ~1lb (0. If you gained over 85% muscle, and less than 15% fat, yes, your bodyfat would indeed decrease. 5 = 0. My question is regarding the belly fat/love handles I am developing during my bulk. Keep weighing in in the morning for another week or two. Regardless of how clean you keep it. Losing 10 - 12 lbs of fat would take much longer It's normal to gain a few inches to your waist but maybe not a 'belly. 5kg in 10 weeks (or about 1. -2. Therefore IMO 2-3lbs may be ideal for a male beginner and 1-2lbs for a male intermediate. little bit of fat makes your core look stronger. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. That’ll tell you you’re rate of gain between the two weeks. You just have to make sure you're not bulking too hard. Rest-Pause: Squats – 2 sets, 10-12 reps, rest for 20 seconds, then max reps, rest for 40 seconds, then max reps. Try for 200-400 calories above maintenance/day, which would be good for 1. Multiply your body fat in pounds by 31 (or 22 depending on which study you look at) to get the deficit. 5-3. Bot_Metric. I'm in the camp of understanding that for maximum growth, you need So, spending 1-2 weeks dropping 1. To keep your gains lean you want to gain at a rate of about 0. Now it is about week 6 and my weight hovers around 120 to 122, so I think it was just an initial jump. I was 154, 5'8 and around 18%BF. 9lb lean mass. Just have a balanced diet dude don't mess around with crabs and fats and shit when bulking it best to have a balanced diet. You will put on some fat pretty much no matter what during a bulk. Basically I am saying fuck the TDEE calculator in this instance, eat a clean diet at ~500 calories over your TDEE, this equates to about 1 pound per week weight gain. • 8 yr. So generally the rule on fat consumption in any diet, including when trying to gain weight , is usually around 30% (10% Saturated, 10% Monounsaturated, and 10% Polyunstaurated). . •. If you gained 9 pounds in a month, it might look like 2-3 pounds of muscle, 2-3 pounds of water/glycogen, and roughly 5-6 pounds of fat or more, depending on your quality of training and length of experience. Lifts went from (all 1 rep maxes): Squat- 225lb-250lb. , if you gain 2 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle, your body fat percentage will go down). I think I can gain 10-ish lbs overall mass a year or so now, which is about 15-20 muscle gained and 10lbs lost, on this routine (at a currently intermediate state, 195lbs or so at 10% BF). I've been trying to bulk for about 2 months now, and l've gained 4. If you started skinny a true bulk will give you your best results. Rest with carbs (aim for complex carbs; rice, oats, whole wheat bread) should be around 300 to 450 depending on what works for you. 200-300 calorie surplus is ideal imo. Share. Again you can eliminate all the unkowns by figuring out your required calorie intake for bulking, then tracking your morning, fasted weight daily and averaging it over the week. Definitely water retention with muscle and a little fat. 1lb per week rule is retarded. By doing so, you slowly build muscle and strength, while quite possibly decreasing your body fat percentage (i. My body adapts to the new intake and I have to change again. They eat too many calories. 0 pounds per week. It is inevitable and you just need to focus on trying to eat clean and then having the willpower to cut when it's time. 2. The more muscle you have the better you'll look at a low body fat, and for a while getting down to low body fat isn't even worthwhile if you don't have enough muscle to look decent. I’m not concerned about losing fat, so if that is a concern you’d want weight to trend down slightly. 315 carbs 195 Fat 200 protien 6,0 175 3,800 caories at the moment. 5-1. Ramadan in the UK, will be roughly between 4am-6pm (14hours), which means I have around a 10hour window (6pm-4am) to get my calories in. Just clarifying that point. For those unaware, maingaining is essentially just eating at maintenance (+/- 50-100 cals) every day, and slowly packing on muscle in the process. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. I practise body recomping, aka bulking and cutting at the same time albeit neither of them really fast. Quad Killer Workout. Do your normal workout routine and see what happens. Eating very clean and choosing every low cal option such as fat free Greek yogurt and ground chicken. because you'll want to cut any fat you've gained during the bulk, and that's much easier to do after you've gained say 10 lbs than it would be after you've gained 20 lbs. 1 scoop of rasins = About 800kcal plus my whey protein. As long as you're still gaining weight on your bulk, run as much as you I'm 5'4", bulked from 129 to 145 over a 1. And a successful recomp with gaining 2lbs in maybe 6 months for very lean gains. As much as you want. I’m currently medically underweight but still skinny fat in a way. be proud of your stored energy bruh. 3. Your gain is increased nitrogen, mineral and water retention. 82 to 1 g per lb protein. You also need to consider where those calories are coming from. 3 days ago · 349K subscribers in the Supplements community. silverhydra. '. Dear reader, I started my bulk around december 2020 weighing in at 55kg (121lbs) at 170cm tall (5"7). I've also read that when people gain fat, they grow new fat cells once the existing ones have stored as much lipids as possible, but when they 'lose fat', what's happening is that the cells are losing the lipids they have been storing and are hence shrinking, but the cells never actually go away, and will attempt to regain their lipid content Cut your fat levels down then after cutting your fat levels - slowly build a caloric surplus. 250 - 0. 2=40 lbs. I keep a close watch on my waist measurement (its a near perfect proxy for fat mass in males) and bulk until I reach 3/4" gain (which takes 8-10 weeks), which is what I can lose in a 2 week cut. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or 500-1000 calories above maintenance for someone who's been fat translates to 4-8lbs a month of weight gain, and most of it probably won't be muscle. Right now, because I'm working on gaining some weight, I've increased it to: 1 cup of oats. Its got pros and cons. While that’s a little less than many people recommend for a dirty bulk (10-20% surplus, which is around 250-450 if you’re eating 2700 calories), very few people are served well by the 4000 calorie diet you’re describing. Ex: week 1 you average 135. If I change by too much then I adapt quickly and gets harder than I like. Ex. Would ipamorelin work well for this, or is there another peptide/combo of peptides, that might be a better choice? Then, your body will have to burn fat stores for energy, lowering your body fat % over time. It won't all go to fat around half will go to muscle if you're new into lifting. Eric Helms is the guy you want to google, if you're looking for this kind of info. 5-3 pounds without any loss in strength is a convenient way to keep your fat low. 136. If you are skinny fat then you are fat. That's an easy 1200 calories, then you just need a big dinner (which you probably already do). Is it viable/good to do a mini cut every 3-4 weeks for around 1 week. Over is better because you can always throw a week minicut here and there throughout the bulk to cut fat. However, my weight gain hasn't been consistent; that is, I haven't been gaining 0. Everything looks off here. Keep track of your calories and increase/decrease them until you're gaining about 0. Gain very slow (1 lb per month) for a solid two years. Was eating 1800 cals and went Went from 205 - 165 pounds in 4 months being in a constant deficit. At 1lb per week I doubt you can gain 0. Gainit is a community dedicated to gaining weight. It is a good learning experience, so it's not all bad if it turns out to only be fat and a small amount of muscle. Although I would say it really just matters what you want and your goals. You should make your deficit around -200/300 and keep lifting weights until you’re at your goal body fat. A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any… One great way to help keep body fat under control, even when bulking, is to incorporate a low-carb day into your schedule at least once per week. Welcome to r/GYM . Try experiment some days higher carb or higher fats while keeping your protein constant. Both were pretty shit, as they stated they did a dirty bulk - I'm currently skinny-fat and wish to do a clean/lean bulk, as I have VERY skinny arms and legs with a belly, around 16% bodyfat, and lean towards the skinny side of skinny fat with weak strength. The problem is most likely your split. You should be able to go gain 0. Do the same thing each week and subtract the two to see the difference. 5 yr time span, most of the bulk was the last 10lbs from 135 to 145 which was over about 3 months. To achieve the goals of these phases, we must May 28, 2023 · If you’re a skinny beginner, you might want to gain as much as 1–2 pounds per week. Fat people should obviously start with a cut. That being said its totally ok to gain a little belly fat when bulking, that happens to everyone. Muscle mass will come with time and dedication. don'g pig out. Eating more calories than your body needs (bulking) WILL cause fat gain. 5 pounds per week. But be sure to eat enough calories, I increased my calories a lot. There's been studies that say it does and studies that say it doesn't work. If you’re trying to bulk leanly, you should gain 0. ago. sl0uma. I started lean bulking and I literally look skinnier than pre bulk. 2lb lean mass. Or about 1. I’m planning to go on a bulk to gain some mass first. I gained ~10 lbs my first month of bulking, and lost ~8lbs my first month of cutting. You don't care about getting fully optimal results - you just want to get big and strong. 5 protein scoops of raisins = about 450kcal plus my whey protein. There's a big difference between a "clean" and "dirty" bulk. So if you're 150 for example, eat at least 45g of Fat. The other benefit is you'll be a lot healthier all around. While some fat gain is normal and potentially needed, keep this in mind. People assume when bulking you become a fat ass. Or maybe 1. You want higher carbs all the time while gaining mass. r/Fitness FAQ - Why can't I gain weight? Have I gained too much weight?! 6 month Eating & Training Plan. 4. Because muscle gain is a much slower process than . If your normal carbohydrate intake is 400g, for example, take one day per week (best done on days after a cheat meal) to drop it to about 100 or so grams. Once you are stronger, "bulking" and "cutting" are things you can look into. Around 300cal surplus. Eating 3000-3100 cals. Posted by u/hubristichumor - 10 votes and 10 comments If you somehow managed to gain 85/15 muscle to fat ratio, your body fat would stay the same. Cutting is when fat loss happens, bulking is when muscle gain happens, and maintenance is when we simply try to stay as we are. Bench- 160-170lb. Anyway, not a big deal either way. I drank a lot of milk before starting a bulk so adding a couple extra glasses was really easy for me. However, whenever I see my belly getting bigger, it just demotivates me so much. While you can address overall body fat, you can't specifically work on the belly. • 13 yr. If you feel that you're gaining too quickly, dial it back a bit and lower the surplus. Trying to force weight gain at a constant rate generally results in adding fat, because muscle is built primarily in response to training, not in response to eating. I calculate my bulks as gaining 1/2 lb muscle and 1/2 lb fat per week (pretty normal from what I know), so I try to keep my weight cuts to less than 4 weeks to maintain original body fat (don't really like cutting longer than a month). ncbi. Bulking with just 5-10% extra calories is often referred to as lean bulking – maximizing muscle growth while minimizing fat gain. Even with this being true, it is often easier to cut weight at least to a small extent first then follow that with a bulk. I obviously didn't eat an extra 35000 calories (3500 x 10), but gained a shit ton of water weight and I started taking creatine. You won’t build more muscle if you are eating 500 kcal over your maintenance, you will only get fatter. I went from 169 to 180 in 2 weeks after starting my bulk. Rate of weight gain is going to vary quite a bit depending on experience level. at 20% body fat -> 200 * . 5-1 pound per week. Nov 8, 2021 · Unless you are carrying a large amount of fat or you are just starting to weight train you are not going to lose fat while trying to gain muscle. no you just gain a little fat around the edges abs get covered etc. After that, I would be more precise and track your calories to reach your goal. GosuBen. 5. If you vary your sodium intake every day, your weight can fluctuate by like 5 pounds if you take day to day measurements. 5 lbs of muscle though. Now you can see why many people get too fat when bulking. That said, because you’re also gaining more mass in general, you’ll still tend to gain a LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). kooldrew. Consuming more beyond this point is up to you. 7lb/week. 1" on the waist isn't a whole lot of fat, that is near invisible, even in pictures, unless you are very lean. Yes you'll put on some fat during a bulk, but it won't last forever. Minimizing Fat Gain Is For Maintenance Phases, NOT Bulking (A Discussion) By now, many of you are aware of the “phases” of training-Cutting, Bulking and Maintenance. Focused exercise of ab work will strengthen the underlying muscle, but will not do much to address the fat on top of that muscle. I started at 133lbs at 5'10, and now am sitting at 152lbs. r/Fitness Wiki - Muscle Gain 101. or about . Frigginsweetx2. I drink close to 7 or 8 glasses a day @ 150 calories per glass. Superset: Walking Barbell Lunge/Leg Extensions – 2 sets, 13-15 steps per leg, 10-12 steps per leg. For the past 6 months I've been bulking and went from 72kg to around 81kg (158 pounds to 178 pounds in freedom units). If you are new to bulking and lifting in general, I would stick to a 500 calorie surplus. If your seeing the fat grow too quick consider tapering back the food. 5 g per lb fat. These people generally hide the fat under a sweater/ jacket so that people assume they are getting bigger (more muscular) when in fact they’re getting fatter. Your body more efficiently utilizes carbs, especially for muscle creation. mk zl qx mo of zz bx ll fr ft